Elvis 2.0 - Work in progress

Here is a work-in-progress of a animation featuring a digitally reborn Elvis Presley. I have used 2D footage of Elvis and converted them to 3D using the free and easy-to-use software SketchUp. By 3D modelling Elvis in SketchUp, and then use the Photo match function, it was possible to make him move. Since it is just possible to do camera moves and no animation in SketchUp, I had to do a lot post production in After Effects.

Besides that, there are some
collage technic headturns as well, and I think you can figure out how they are made. Both technics are meant to reflect the technic used to create this “new” Elvis song. It is built up of hundreds of Elvis samples, stretched and pitched in Melodyne ( the leading auto tune software) to fit the song.
full version of the video will be released late this year. Meanwhile, the song itself can be heard at https://soundcloud.com/bonordin/now-or-never-ii